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For a company to become sustainable, all its employees and leaders must think and work sustainably.

It’s a change in culture and posture.

All your businesses must have environmental concerns as a foundation. Sustainability needs to be aligned with an organization’s internal development, otherwise, the company’s efforts on the subject will be in vain.

However, to ensure that sustainability is, in fact, part of the company’s organizational culture and the day-to-day of all employees, it is necessary to plant the seed. The corporation must start by electing people responsible for implementing environmentally sound practices in each sector and activity.

The elected can organize a transformation steering committee. It is essential that it has professionals from all areas and departments, leaders and other employees, of all genders and races. The core of the work is to include sustainability values ​​as a priority in each activity.

Within the committee, employees must divide roles and responsibilities for each participant, according to their abilities and interests. The meetings need to take place periodically to discuss, create and implement new actions, processes, projects that expand and prove the corporation’s environmental commitment.

It will be the responsibility of the members of the committee of the administration departments to support the company’s managers in all matters related to sustainability; approach and research on issues that represent risks or have a direct environmental impact on the long-term results of the business and on the relationship with stakeholders.

Representatives from the technology area can foster innovations in business and operations, always focusing on sustainability and respect for natural resources, seeking to exchange obsolete equipment for others with greater energy efficiency.

Employees in the areas of Human Resources, Communication and Marketing must preserve the company’s positive image in relation to sustainable practices, both for the external market and for the internal public; prepare engagement campaigns for employees and the surrounding community in relation to sustainable practices. It is also possible to publicize the change in standards to the regional press and gain space in the media.

The logistics sector can investigate the emission of polluting gases in the fleet; point out nearest and certified suppliers.

The representatives of the operational teams are responsible for verifying the company’s performance in matters related to sustainability in the business routine and ensuring that the company is complying with its strategies in a sustainable manner, thus contributing to the development of the surrounding society.

The company’s leadership can be responsible for guiding the transformation of internal processes into environmentally sound procedures for people, the business and the community; participate in strategic planning, ensuring the inclusion of sustainability in the organization’s management, product development and operations and services.

It will be up to all committee members to promote an internal environment of correct awareness of sustainability and social inclusion. The changes achieved within the corporation will echo in the homes of each employee and throughout the community. This is how the world is transformed!


Do you want to understand how your company can be more participatory in the development and social responsibility movement? This initiative increases ESG rates with a focus on Social, proving that the company is truly engaged with sustainability. Get in touch and discover alternatives to work for a purpose. Get in touch through the website  https://nticsprojects.com

Whatsapp |  E-mail: contact@nticsprojects.com  |  Phone +1 (407) 258 3604


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